Get the care you deserve.

Courtney Pessa Therapist

Want to know about the person you’re opening up to?

Well, nice to meet you!

I’m Courtney Pessa and I help people for a living.

Old ENglish Sheep Dog

This helping profession
was gifted to me a long,
long time ago.

My very first pup, Sadie (an old English Sheepdog), had epilepsy. As she suffered, I witnessed and empathized with her pain. This pain became the inspiration for my fascination with the brain: what makes it tick and how the brain is involved in what we think and do.

My journey to becoming a therapist began in 5th grade!

In good hands

You’re in good hands.

When you do what you love, learning never stops. 

Even after my schooling, I knew there was so much to know. 

I’ve been fortunate to work
with diverse populations

And, throughout all that time, I’ve kept learning…from the patients and clients who I served. 

Law Enforcement

Rehabilitated parolees and assisted families in adjusting to life after incarceration.

Social Work

Helped underserved populations.

Psychiatric Triage

 Helped patients in mental health crisis.

Community Mental Health Counseling

Worked with severe mental illness, suicidality, trauma, and personality disorders

Lemonade comes with many recipes


My well-rounded mental health provider experience enables me to serve my clients with the best care in my tele-therapy practice. I think I have a good “lemonade recipe,” and I like to show my clients how to turn life’s lemons into lemonade.

I welcome a call from you when the time is right–when you’re ready to get started on this thing called “healing.”